Cry Out For Restoration For The Nation!

As so many in the country today I spent time praying for our Nation. Such a good idea to have a National Day Of Prayer!  According to news reports some used the time to protest the war!  Sadly the One who can really help with that situation is God and He is more into requests than protests!

After a time I asked the Lord what He would like for me to pray and the answer was:

“Cry out for restoration for the Nation!”

In my mind it was very clear, God would like our Nation restored to Godly principles and standards.  So that was my prayer and will be until it is done.  I hope many will join with me.  Long prayers are wonderful, but short prayers can be very powerful as well.  A simple “Restoration For The Nation” daily with heartfelt agreement with the loving mercy and grace that God gives, will avail much!

That’s my hope and my own heartfelt belief America is far from gone….quite the contrary, check out the movement of the youth in our Christian Churches and I don’t think the world has seen anything yet, like the explosion of faith coming, like a huge tital wave!

We are up, not down, we are blessed not cursed!  Thank you, Lord!  And God bless America! 



Virginia Massacre And Abby Spangler And The ‘Lie-In’!

Before the Columbine School Shootings I had dropped to my knees in anguish as I heard about each of the earlier school shootings.  Crying out to God, repenting of the removal of prayer in schools, as I feel in my heart that opened the door to much of the violence in the our country! 

For some reason the school shootings affect me greatly.  I hear of other atrocities in the world–war, famine, abuse, slavery–and they are all subjects for my prayers.  Like Abby Spangler, the school shootings like Virginia Tech go clear to my very core.

I receive emails asking, If God is so good, why do bad things happen to good people?”  I know the answers.  God is sovereign, however in His sovereignty He gave man free will and there is evil in the world and men are influenced and driven (in some cases) because of it.  Most do not want to believe in the devil or demons.  I have to ask (because I believe the Bible), how could you look at the young man that did the shooting at Virginia Tech and not see the demons in him? 

Heinous killers usually give themselves away if you listen to their words.  Such as, “I saw something doing the killing.”; “Voices told me to do it.”; “I see visions and I know what to do.”!  I just cannot believe men or women are evil enough to commit violent acts unless they are influenced or controlled by lying evil spirits.  Not because I want to believe that way (we can’t make things true–they either are truth or they are not), but because it is so clear in the Bible–no matter what translation you buy.  

One answer for prevention may be stricter gun laws–I will leave that to Abby Spangler and her followers!  (God bless them!)  Another answer is more education especially in the church of the work of the devil and the power of prayer.

Before Columbine we set up a website,  On the site there is information and encouragement to pray over your loved ones, especially school children, college students and then over the work place where ever that may be.  In God’ s sovereignty He set up the communication of prayer to provide a way for men and women, with free will, to ask (believing) for Divine Intervention.  Prayer may be offensive before the fact, instead of defensive after tragedy strikes.

I have personally seen thousands of prayers answered in my life and those of others around me, in the 27 years since I invited Jesus into my heart and trusted Him with my prayers.  There are rules in the spirit realm as in the physical realm.  Not every prayer is answered the way we might hope–due to our thoughts and actions or the actions of others.

I salute and pray for those who take action such as Abby Spangler.  But, with all my heart, I recommend and commend those who pray for protection in advance.  Angelic prayer  protection and supernatural influence on the part of the Holy Spirit is available to the whole world through agreement with Jesus.  For more information visit our website, Prayer Against Violence. 

Today I pray as the anniversary of Virginia Tech approaches, that those who were involved, families affected, have been able to forgive, let go of the pain and be healed by the power of God through the Holy Spirit.  No one can comprehend the pain for someone else; only God can change the hurt and the heart!  Dear God, may that be quick and complete for all the victims!  

Oprah And Eckhart Tolle; “A New Earth” ???

Well, I don’t know if it’s a new earth, but it certainly is the oldest debate on the planet!  Oprah and Eckhart are teaching from his book, A New Earth.

I have been a fan of Oprah for many years.  Even though I do not have time to watch the show consistently, I admire what she has achieved and all the good she does all over the world. 

Now, because of her book club and her overwhelming agreement with the powers of agreement and attraction, she and Eckhart are leading millions (so her website claims) not only to a new life but to the most destructive thought process known to man–self-righteousness–creating the God within!

In the Garden of Eden the question was and is today, “Will you be like God or will you follow God?” 

Many have thought for ions that in the beginning there was a man, woman, snake and apple in the Garden of Eden.  That is not the way it is written in the Bible nor intended to be understood.  

Much of the Bible is a mystery and the story in Genesis is  symbolic of the first two people having their lives totally involved with and dependent upon the God who created them.  A beautiful spirit being came into their ‘paradise’ and told them they could be like their God, “just follow me–through the knowledge of good and evil”.  And they bought the story.

The Bible is a book containing stories of the relationship of people and nations with their God.  God inspired the book, and sent Jesus to give an accurate picture of who God is and make reconciliation for the world.  Jesus is very real on every page of the Gospels.  Because we do not physically see Him now we must imagine Him from what we read.

The Spirit of God accompanies the Book and is available for those who truly want not only to know about God but to experience Him personally.  Christianity is growing like wild-fire all over the world, except in America.  New Christians world over are filled with Spirit and feel the freedom that only Jesus Christ can give.

In America because of the American Dream for success and prosperity we are very vulnerable to snake oil salesmen offering the same old story in a new box or should I say ‘book’.

In one segment that I viewed of their webinar Oprah asks Eckhart about death and he answers that it isn’t important, just to focus on life now.  Eternal life is forever and this life is so short….better look at eternity.  Experts tell us that death is the number one fear with people the world over.  Jesus takes that fear away and gives assurance for just stepping from one place to another.

Space prohibits a complete explanation of the purpose of God’s creation,  and how wonderful the experience of the Holy Spirit can be!  However, my newest book, The Other Side of The Secret, is a great explanation in short form of Who God is and how terribly fair and wonderful His plan for mankind is. For more information click on the button at the top of the Blog “free book”! 

In any event I pray the truth of the one and only God of all creation will be revealed to Oprah, Eckhart and all who seek eternal relationship.  When Jesus said from the cross, “They know not what they do,” is  the most accurate appraisal of mankind in all of history! 

I am humbly grateful for my personal relationship with a very personal God, and all authority and power comes through the Holy Spirit resident in my heart!  I pray all the world will want and chose the same!  Jesus plus nothing!

Comformity Is Not Unity!


Because of the up-roar-ousley interesting political dialog going on in America we hear a lot about unity.  That bears a variety of meanings depending on where you come from–your grid or mind-set.

A great example of this is in the Christian Church.  As people disagreed in the past centuries,  denominations sprung up and now we have several thousand.  Differences in doctrine create a new agenda and most of us follow a leader, admiringly, agreeing with what is taught.  Each church or group has their own agenda and if we conform to that form or plan we are accepted.

I laughingly like to say we have also developed a Ken and Barbie Doll stereo type of what a Christian Believer should be.  Instead of Scripture being a blueprint for self-preservation by renewing our mind with ‘sound wisdom’,  it can become a dogma we strive to live up to, attempting to become the Ken or Barbie  that is expected. 

I was complaining to the Lord one day about the divisions in the church, the disagreement, and how it upset me, because there are bigger fish to fry that issues on doctrine.  That sweet small voice I am privileged to hear responded, “You are complaining about the very freedom I died to give you!”   I quickly apologized, immediately getting the picture–with Jesus, Holy Spirit, God given free will we have the right to think for ourselves and make our own decisions.  


In other words, it matters not whether I believe in dunking or sprinkling for baptism, we can all agree baptism is very important.  It is the Spirit behind what we do, not what we do.  Especially when it is a ‘ritual’ born out of tradition.  Tradition is important to build on or learn from, but not to mindlessly conform.

We cannot be Ken and Barbieand still believe we are created uniquely different–because we are.  We must find the gifts and talents we have, the desires of our heart and most of all learn to know God in our spirit, experientially, not just a text book relationship. 

The God-kind of confidence we need in this world (not self-confidence) is found in personal relationship of talking and learning about Jesus, the Man, the Holy Spirit and how much we are loved by our Heavenly Father.  The agreement we have with His ways will bring great confidence into our hearts of who we are as His children, not out of conformity to be accepted, but out of desire to follow Him because we are accepted.

Do we allow our children to express their differences or demand they conform to our desires?  Do we encourage those around us to be all they can be in any given direction or condemn them for not being what we would like them to be or what we think they should be?  How do we pray?  That our loved ones conform to a Christian Standard, our Political Leaders do what we want? Or can our prayer and desires  for our loved ones, our neighbors and our leaders–church or government–be to carry out the (Will) desires of God, being all they can be for the good of family, church and country? 

Well, I certainly have a constant battle to get judgment out of my heart and mind (I am really good at it–judgment that is), to listen to the Holy Spirit and focus on His desires for us, not my desires for me, or the world.  It is a battle but one worth fighting and only won with the help of the Holy Spirit.

May our unity come from agreement on ethical, moral issues; not from peer pressure, or polarization of political rhetoric. Rather may we led from spirit informed wisdom that brings love (wanting the best for everyone) and life ( the essence and persistence that creates only good).  Unity of Spirit,  agreement not conformity can change the world!

P S If you were kind enough to read this Blog and wonder how one has an experience with God, how one can be led by the Holy Spirit–it is simply done by asking Jesus into your heart, asking Him to become real to you, and asking the Holy Spirit to dwell within your spirit and lead and teach you all things!  Greatest decision you will ever make!


To Give Or Not To Give; It Is Your Money!

There is one very good reason to give–because you want to! 

What ever money we have is ours.  Ultimately everything belongs to God, however while we are on earth what we have, has been earned or given to us and it is ours.  We have the privilege of using it as we see fit.

I am a Junior Partner in the business of my soul, foremost my spiritual life, with the Holy Spirit as Senior Partner.  As Senior Partner I like to ask Him what I should give, when and how much, so we are in agreement.  Many times He will say ‘no’ to something I want to do, as He has another place for the money.  Sometimes He tells me to give when I hadn’t thought about it.  It is a great arrangement. 

When I am asked to give it is so easy to ask Him what to do.  And then be obedient.  If a voice tells me to give more than I have, that is probably not the Holy Spirit.  Many people do not ask or hear the Holy Spirit and are confused on how to give.  We all should develop (by practice) a  generous giving heart  and develop (expect and receive) a ‘listening ear’ for the Holy Spirit.  It may come as a thought, a voice or just an impression.  And, I have found it is immediate to the question.

Giving is a very smart thing to do, as it always comes back in one form or another.  The problem is, very rarely are we aware how we are being blessed because we expect it to come in dollars.  Where as, it may come in favor for a job,  help with a project,  gifts from neighbors,  discounts on items,  dinner or lunch with friends, and on and on.  But giving is reciprocal!

Giving a tithe (meaning 10%) has been argued for centuries I imagine–whether we should or should not give ten percent to our church.  In the Old Testament the eleven tribes of Israel took care of the Priests and Rabbis, shared their properties with them, etc.  The book of Malachi talks of robbing God when tithes and offerings are not given.  I personally believe that means we are not literally robbing God–because He doesn’t need the money–but we are robbing the ‘work’ of the Kingdom of God on earth. 

God uses men and women and their giving to bless others.  So when we don’t give we are in essence robbing ourselves.  It is character and nature of God to give and Jesus gaveHis life for the joy laid before Him of creating a way for our reconciliation with the Father and life eternal.

Malachi also says that when we give, God will pour out blessings from Heaven.  Some argue that is not for New Testament, New Covenant believers; they are not under the law.  Giving is a priceless principal, not a law.

To me the argument is mute.  The question is “Why Not?”  How can we maintain our churches, pay our workers, and give to poor if we don’t tithe? Whether we belong to a church or just attend, we are obliged to help with the rent, utilities, salaries and expenses.  The more we give the more they can do. 

We wouldn’t expect to go out to eat and not pay for the meal that covers all of the above items for the business.  We don’t attend an athletic game of any importance without paying well for the privilege.  Solomon tells us in the book of Ecclesiastes, money is the answer to all things.  Then we are warned that the love of money is evil. 

It has been my observation that when we have trouble giving our money there is a ‘love affair’ going on in our pocket book.  We don’t have to be rich to love money, many poor people love it as well, wanting it out of desperation.  Money is just a commodity to make other things possible, extremely important, to use not to ‘keep’ but to invest.

Invest in ourselves,  paying bills, investing in our future, and absolutely invest our tithe to churches and our offerings to those who help, teach or encourage us where ever they may be.  If we live month to month we give only what we can without guilt or shame.  Giving  when we can, knowing that God blesses those who love and follow Him.

My prayer is for more to give, Lord, more, more more!  May you be blessed with more as well! And, we all give from happy heart–appreciating the system  of reward and good health God has set in place–It is more blessed to give than to receive!