The simple answer is:  “Because that is all He has!”

Jesus was without sin; Jesus said, “Only God is good.”; so where does that leave the rest of us?

The Lord spoke to my heart not long ago, that unless we realize we are imperfect and God loves us–we will not have the love we need to love others who are imperfect!

Why is it so easy to be critical?  Be suspicious?  Be full of fear?  Blame others?  Whoops! That would be the ‘fallen nature’ of man, right? 

Why is joy so illusive and happiness take so much effort?  Because they require good thoughts, a good attitude and if we don’t have them we can make a decision of our will (free will that is) to change our attitude, and let go of the pain.  It may take some work on our part!

When we face our own imperfection we are able to be kinder, and more compassionate to others who annoy, offend or deceive us.  Sometimes it takes effort, but sometimes it is just a change of attitude.

God really does love us, so much so, He gave His Son, to demonstrate that love!  So know that you don’t have to be perfect.  Don’t expect others to be perfect before you love them.  It  isn’t always easy….I am here to say….just very, very rewarding!

If the ‘fallen nature’ and some of what I said is a ‘mystery’ to you, I invite you to take advantage of our ‘Weekly Book Offer–Free to All’ listed on this page.  We will share what we have learned and hopefully others will share with us. 


Carol                                                                                                                                                            Definitely imperfect,  but mightily Loved of God!