I have learned to ‘live to forgive’ in so many wonderful ways.  Today I want to share the blessing for those who are hurting or dealing with ongoing chronic illness.   I have learned we not only can forgive people and circumstances, but the same pathway of prayer to keep from carrying emotions tied to my condition from day to day and live with faith for complete total healing.

On the pages to the right are ‘pathways to prayer’ and under ‘Healing Bad Memories’ my understanding of how the Lord has lead many of us to pursue the ‘will of God on earth as it is in Heaven’ on the road to recovery.  Simply these are the steps….but I encourage you to listen to the two part teaching on ‘Healing Bad Memories’ to ensure your understanding and be extremely blessed:

1.  Lord I forgive the  (pain, discomfort, stiffness, brokenness) of today.

2.  Lord Jesus please heal the emotions attached to the ‘problems.’

3.  Please heal the DNA memory so that it will never trigger any thing again.

4.  I close the door and command this done in Jesus Name!

“Thank You and I praise and give you all the Glory, Jesus!”

Amen and Amen!!!