That is what a friend of mine said the other day…..and she really touched my heart.  So as I talked with her I began to think about my own prayer-life and how many others might feel the way she does.  There is such an emptiness and sadness in what she said.  I now pray my comments will change hearts as it has mine in writing it!

If we ever think prayer is work or boring we must ask ourselves several question:

  • Why are we praying?
  • What does God represent to us?
  • Do we believe He hears us?
  • Do we believe He will answer?
  • What is the alternative?

It is so simple, a sovereign God, in His love for His creation of mankind, has limited His own powers to give us free will.  He wants our love and relationship because we chose to love Him, to be with Him forever.  However, our Gracious Loving Heavenly Father sent Jesus that we might really know Him, His heart and His purpose for us in eternity.  Then God Graciously established communication, the Gift of Prayer, to bond to the powers of Heaven!

What a privilege and honor He has given to His children, those who chose to love Him.  There is an evil spirit of ‘Urgency’ that convinces and deceives us into thinking we don’t have time to pray…..there are other priorities…..immediate needs….doesn’t God understand?   Why can’t He just take care of it for us? 

The Majestic Communication of Prayer is our bond to the Throne Room of a Loving Father.  The Bible tells us we are the bride of Christ.  I ask my friend and myself…..would I want to be married to someone who never talked to me?  Would I want a husband or wife who went everywhere without me?

They might do their chores or support us, but never to talk to us….never to share with us feelings and emotion?  I don’t think so!  Not for me!  If prayer is only at a structured time in a specific place, that could be work…..sounds more like religion than relationship.  If we pray to feel good about ourselves, to move the Hand of God, to feel ‘justified’ in our Christian walk, we have missed the point and we are groveling in self-righteousness. 

  • I pray because I want to…..because I love Him…..because I have needs I want to give to Him!
  • God represents to me–Heavenly Father, Loving Lord, Comforting Spirit….my future….here and forever!
  • As Jesus said, I know He always hears me!
  • For many years He has answered, I have seen miracles, been comforted, enjoyed laughter at His Hand and comfort in my grief.  The answers I don’t receive are because of fear, doubt or unbelief in my heart.  So I seek more of Him to forgive the past and build another future….knowing He will not leave or forsake me no matter what the devil, and evil in the world may throw at me!
  • The alternative is have no one to call on, to lean on, and no excuse when things go wrong that I did not pray about. 

One of the ten commandments says not to take the Lord’s Name in vain.  So if we pray just for our needs and then hope for an answer or doubt His faithfulness, we are taking the Lord’s Name in vain, and our so-called prayer will avail little.  Do I set aside special times for prayer…..yes….just as I would want special time with a spouse or friend.  Do I enjoy prayer meetings….whee….yes, it like having a party to celebrate someone special!

 It is so fun to talk to the Lord just like we talk to anyone else through out our day.  If we have asked and received a gift of a prayer language, where the Holy Spirit prays with us, through us, we can do that, all through the day while accomplishing other things.  The action of connecting to the power of God with prayer builds our spirit strength and resolve to be led by the spirit and not by our fleshly worldly thinking.  The Spirit of God has more wisdom than all mankind and can lead us in blessings, endurance in hardship and joy in just being with Him.

 In writing this I realize PRAYER is the greatest gift I have on this earth….until I face Him face to face and can personally converse for ever!  I am so grateful for my friend, that she brought me to remembrance of something I was taking for granted!  I ask the Lord to forgive me….He is quick to do so…..another great gift from God….

Pressing in and pressing on…..